Hmmmm it's going to 3am liao and how come ii can blog lehx cause ii back to jurong to stay again hahax all the thinking is done hahax
What i'm gonna concentrate now is work for 2 more weeks and good bye long hair h3llo short hair hahax
My hair sibei long liao horx dont play play hahax
Hmmm dont noe y but ii kinda hate this number 12 hahax
Really dammn hate it mahx so many times liao lorx cant find number 12 dammn it man
Heng ii not staying the 12th floor hahax
Wanna go home cant press the button hahahx XD
So far work was kinda fuck for the pass few days short of manpower liao
And dammn busy liao can tamade (M18)
And my pi qi is so in-predict liao maybe working at kitchen train out de hahax XD
Though ii got long hand and leg's but dont need to like tat de rite
This boss really make me so dulan and
~!@#$%^&*()_+ hahax XD
Wanna save money till cut manpower ta ta ma de nian (M18) :P
And course of tat my right hand dont noe like wad already
Macham like fried dont noe how many times like tat today ju kanna burn 2 times already
Opening tio burn closing tio burn and during the interval ii kanna burn by the hot steam walao
Really dammn dulan liao lehx never mind tahan another 2 more weeks only
Thanks ar shellen thanks for the advice hahax
Seriously this is the first time ii saw such a stingy boss man kns
Think blog till here liao tmr gonna work sia ar
Tmr only gt 4 ppl manage the store how sia after 8.30pm my shifu ju go home liao like tat how to handle